One of the common reasons that people are averse to gas furnaces is they hear that they are often the cause of drier indoor air. While this may be true in some cases, it is no longer true in a large portion of situations. But even still, if you’re replacing a gas furnace, you should be aware of what the pros and cons are before making any decisions.

If you’re wondering if your new gas furnace will make your home air drier, the short answer is no. It is true that older gas furnaces will cause the humidity in your home to drop, but this is not the case with most newer gas furnaces. Let’s take a look at why this is, and what you can potentially do if you experience dry air, to mitigate its effects.

Why Do Older Furnaces Dry the Air?

The biggest misconception about dry air and gas furnaces is people think that the gas furnace actually directly dries the air in the home. This just isn’t the case, and it’s a lot more complicated than that, but what it comes down to in the end is the air pressure of the home.

Older gas furnaces have what’s called an “open combustion chamber” meaning the furnace itself consumes air from the home, heats it, and disperses it throughout the home. This is needed for the process of combustion, but it also comes at a price, and that price is creating negative air pressure in the home. This negative air pressure means that the home then draws in air from outside, colder and drier air.

Sealed Combustion Furnaces

If you’re looking to upgrade your furnace to a newer gas furnace, in order to avoid the negative air pressure effect that open combustion chambers create, you should look for one that is specified to have a sealed or closed combustion chamber. This means that the combustion chamber has been sealed off from the air supply of the home and draws its air for combustion through a vent that leads to the outside.

This makes the furnace incredibly efficient, as well as helps you keep the air in your home warmer and moister than you can imagine. Sealing the combustion chambers even helps stop the heat leakage that happens to burners and helps them burn the gas more effectively. This improvement to combustion and thermal efficiency due to sealing is one of the most noticeable benefits of using this style of furnace.

If You’re Having Issues with Dry Air in Your Home.

Sometimes, just having the right style of furnace installed simply won’t solve your low humidity problems. In cases like this, don’t be afraid to talk to a professional about your needs. Many times, the solution is to install a furnace-mounted humidifier, or whole-house humidifier, installed to address your health and comfort needs. Reach out today to discuss the best options and get professional input on what may work best for your home.

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